When I was looking for a brand name for my foray into the doodling industry, I chose “Darn Good,” which fits my general outlook on life—why make something good when it could be so much more? Darn Good Design. Perfect. Except that domain name was already taken. Darn Good Design Co. Perfect-er. Minus the whole “co.” thing being a bit misleading. After all, it’s just me:
Julian Jowise. Former photographer, formerly living in New Zealand, even more formerly living in Japan. Those 3 “forms” encapsulate my 20’s. Now, I live in L.A., and I have a particular fondness for anything old, handmade, and imperfect.
That last bit is important. All the art you see is hand-drawn by me, down to the letters. Imperfection comes with the territory, and there’s something authentic about that. Something worth embracing. Because all of those shaky lines communicate that there’s something human behind the art. Behind the brand. And today, that represents quality. The same way you feel about your brand is how I feel about mine. There are no shortcuts to the highest standards.
A.I. exists—it will be cheaper, and it’s capable of being plenty good. But you’re here because good ain’t good enough. So take a look around, and when you’re ready—get in touch.
-Julian, Darn Good Design Co.